
Friday, September 17, 2010

Rick Perry and the Levee

Austin and other surrounding towns have been hit hard with massive amounts of rain fall, this being said, in local news Governor Rick Perry has some complaints on how the federal government is handling the stimulus funds for the flood-prone Rio Grande Valley. Perry feels that only a fraction of the funds are being used to “upgrade” the levee and he is not happy about it.
The International Boundary Commission claims that the amount set aside for the levee is being awarded on schedule and feels that the levees have shown improved strength this summer with all the floods along the area.
Perry sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stating this season has raised new concerns due to the three tropical storms the area has already endured this summer. This has left officials in low-lying border counties even more wary than normal. Officials of the Boundary Commission feel that they have made advances in the construction of the levee with the funds. They feel that the levee was “in its best shape” for this season of storms that came through.
With all the talk of flooding I can't help but think of the tragedies of New Orleans, they didn’t get help from the government when they needed it and now we might be repeating history. My favorite park is still underwater from the storms, our cities need help to stay above water and help to keep people safe.

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