
Friday, October 1, 2010

Giving grants to those that need them

I came across the news article of the ‘Promise Neighborhood Grant’ that the Austin Achievement Zone had applied for and did not get. Along with that the St. Johns and Coronado area did not get the $500,000 for improvement to schools and the help to low income children make it through school. The article argues that the people in the Austin Achievement Zone deserve this money and they need the help from the government to better their community and their schools.  The publisher brings up the dropout rate for local school s in that area and how the rates are increased with low-income and minority students.  He also states how other parts of town were passed for the grant along with the St. Johns area. This article has opened my eyes to the constant need for better everything for children around my town. I do not have children and have not had any experience with the school districts or other problems of that nature, but if I did have kids I would want the best chance for them, even if I could not provide a safe healthy environment for their growth and development. That is what the Austin Achievement Zone wants to do and can’t, because of funding. It’s sad that Texas spend millions of dollars on toll roads and we can’t give more to those who need it, those children that will be running this country in 20 years. The significance of this story is to let the people know the need for help right outside their front door. Every little bits help when it comes to the achievement of success for the youth of America, and more needs to be done to get those kids to stay focused and on track.                                                                                                      

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