
Friday, November 12, 2010

Austin Police and Their Weakest Links.

I read a post on my classmates blog page, Texas State of Mind, about a police officer who sounds like he is abusing the law. He has been fired from the Austin Police Force twice and is now on trail for his DWI he received after he shot and killed a teenager May 2008. The stream of bad luck has portrayed the former cop, Leonardo Quintana as a nasty old crooked cop who uses his authority of the badge to get away with whatever he wants. A police officer should be the one who upholds the law and makes everyone around him or her feel safe, that they themselves would never dream of breaking the laws they are bound to serve. I have heard, and read so many emails about how you can call someone now if you feel that you are being pulled over at night by a person who might harm you. What has this world come to, cops are suppose to be the good guys. Yet, so much power and authority can sometimes be to much for some to handle.
I believe that this mans justice will come in due time, but we must also remember that he is just human. And, maybe he was never cut out for this job, or the responsibilities of protecting the innocent and keeping his life in order all at the same time. The news media has a way of making their readers lean in whatever way they feel will get the most attention and this is a juicy story for everyone.

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