
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bury this idea in West Texas.

 Photo: Pile of spilling oil drumsTexas is one of the biggest states in this lets just use it as a waste land for all the others states to dump their toxic trash in. It looks like the Government is trying to find a way to get rid of all the toxic waste in the country and they want to put it underground in West Texas. Only leaving the public a couple of weeks to speak out against this horrible idea that could cause so much harm to so many people.
Toxic waste can include used computer parts or batteries, to chemicals or heavy metals, they can cause harm to animals or humans and can have horrible effects on a growing public if not taken care of properly. These accidents of toxic waste leaking into the environment happen all too often and I for one do not want any part of it that close to my home.
They have set the deadline for protest by December 26th of this year. They are only giving a short amount of time to review and for the public to approve or oppose the decision, which I feel is unfair. This is a hasty decision that needs more time and consideration and I do not feel that Texas should be the state that become the trash can for every other state to dump their toxic waste in.

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